Contact Info

I am a professional painter for Pet Portraits based in Berlin, Germany. This blog is a place where I can share the things that inspire me, things I create and things that generally excite me.

It´s nice to know that there are people walking around the world with my creations. :)
Find me on Facebook /ArtInMyAttic

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. :)
(All of my artwork represented here and elsewhere, is protected by copyright)

Hola, soy pintora de arte y vivo en Berlin, Alemania.
ArtInMyAttic es una forma de dar a mis pinturas otra vida.
Es bonito pensar que hay gente paseando mis creaciones por el mundo. :)
Encuentra mi pagina en Facebook 

i tienes alguna duda, escríbeme :)
(Todo mi trabajo representado aquí y en otras partes, está protegido por derechos de autor)